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Agreement Stipulates


Request or specify (a requirement), usually as part of a negotiation or agreement. Like many terms used in the legal profession, "set" has its roots in Latin. It is derived from "stipulatus", the past participation of "stipulari", a verb that means "to require security (as from a potential debtor)". "Stipulate" has been part of the English language since the 17th century. In Roman law, oral contracts were considered valid only if they followed an appropriate question-and-answer format; The term "set" has sometimes been used specifically for this contract drafting process, although it can also be used more generally for any means of entering into a contract or agreement. The word "specify as a condition or requirement" also dates back to the 17th century and is the most commonly found meaning in today`s usage. For example, it stipulates that social media platforms must keep records of messages sent by at least five users to more than 1,000 users within 15 days. Whenever you create a legal agreement, you can set a requirement that must be met for that agreement to be complete. This provision could set a kind of limit on the agreement. For example, if you are running a closing business and offering a sale, you can specify that the closing must be ordered before a certain date to get the sale price. Your client, in turn, could stipulate that the work must be completed before the floor freezes. Special articles are those that set out the specific conditions of the peace agreement in question.

To fix something is to demand that it be part of an agreement. So, when you enter into a contract or transaction, you can specify that a certain condition must be met. As a first condition, let us establish complete forgiveness for him and his faithful disciples. Latin Stipulatus, former partizip de stipulari, to demand a guarantee (from a potential debtor). While you`re here, I have to say that you`re still known as – say, Richards – an ordinary name and conveniently. That is all I want to prescribe; the rest is with you. I will note that the Democrats had a good convention, at least in prime time. c.

1624, in the sense defined in the intransitive sense 1. So let`s say that my critics are completely blind to gender and only react to my many mistakes. Previously, Reliable had to have a ground observer who saw its aircraft flying directly, as FAA rules require civilian drones to be flown in the direct line of sight of a human operator. So far, the Spanish bailout does not include new austerity measures, but regulates the banking sector. Then, this year, "the court companies apparently stopped paying some of the fines set," citing the lawsuit, according to a court filing by the plaintiffs. Let`s determine that we were not put on Earth to do anything other than maximize the representation of our genes in future generations. Late 18th century Latin stipula (see stipule) + -ate. Early 17th century from the Latin sigulat - "required as a formal promise", from the verb stipulari. The city, in its long and complex conditions with the university, determined that the site could be a potential site for future groundwater catchment boreholes. The new constitution does not provide for any requirement for a vice-president in government. Joshua Stamper`s theme music ©2006 New Jerusalem Music/ASCAP The arbitration agreement must set out the principles by which arbitrators must render their judgment.

Let us say that the fate of the Republic does not depend on the state of Sally Quinn`s social life. .

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